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Tax Worksheet for Self-Employed

    Self-Employed, Independent Contractors, Sole Proprietors, Single LLC’s and 1099-MISC with box 7 income listed must complete the form below.
    Instructions: List all expense, except for meals - Only add expenses that correspond to the income categories above.



    COGS Cost of Goods Sold.
    (Only use this section if you sell product)


    You only need to continue with auto section if you spend a lot on maintenance (otherwise the mileage rate above will be a better deduction)



    HOME OFFICE (Only if space is exclusively used for business and it is for your employer’s convenience not yours, i.e. they don’t offer you a work space)

    If you own your home also include:

    If you want to take more than the $1500 safe harbor home office deduction we’ll need to depreciate the structure every year. If you already have a depreciation schedule make sure I have your last year’s tax return so I can follow it. Otherwise, answer the following:

    Looking on the real estate assessment for the property to figure out what the land portion is on the property tax.

    Did you purchase anything over $500 for the business this year? If so please fill out the following per item:



    If you have more of these list below.

    Your Email

    *Only the structure is depreciated. You must figure out the land value. You can do this by:

    1. Finding it on the appraisal,

    2. Getting an appraisal if you haven’t,

    3. Looking at sales of comparable raw land in your area,

    Signature of Taxpayer:     

    Signature of Spouse:     

    Please prove you are human by selecting the key.