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Protection Plus Benefits for Taxpayers

Protection Plus Benefits for Taxpayers
Relief of IRS Headaches

Protection Plus Insurance Assistance will work aggressively with you to resolve your adverse issues with the IRS, helping them receive the refund they are due. After just one phone call to the Protection Plus Claims Division, you will know that you truly have a team of dedicated, bilingual professionals ready to assist them. Protection Plus is on their side.

Protection Plus relieves you from the arduous and time consuming task of analyzing IRS correspondence and then re-analyzing records and documents. All cases are handled in a prompt, courteous and professional manner.

Unique Coverage

Protection Plus Insurance Assistance reaches out in ways other insurance assistance plans do not. When credits, such as EIC, Child Tax Credit and Education Credit are denied, Protection Plus will assist you even if the return is not yet funded by the IRS. In addition, the Protection Plus Insurance Assistance plan includes Schedule A, Schedule C and Schedule E for example, at no additional charge.

Tax Preparation Guarantee

You can rest easy knowing your services are guaranteed. If a legitimate preparer error is made during the filing of a tax return, you will be reimbursed for the consequent amounts due to the IRS up to the first $2,500*.

Subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions outlined in the Tax Reimbursement Program Terms and Conditions. Protection Plus will provide assistance on the tax return for three full years after the return was filed. The Tax Preparation Guarantee is not available in SD, TN, WY, and Puerto Rico and may not be available in all other states.

Tax Debt Relief

Protection Plus offers help with taxpayers who owe debts to the IRS. When additional taxes, penalties, and interest are assessed, working with the IRS can be a confusing and stressful experience. Our staff will work directly with you and find a resolution to your debt.

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